Donate Blood,
Save Life!

Their are number of hospitals who don't have adequate number of blood suppliers and face the challange of blood supply. We are trying to make available adequate blood to the needy patients all over the world.

Find Blood
Get Notified
Forever Free
Save Life

About BloodMe

BloodMe is to facilitate and streamline the process of blood donation in Sri Lanka by leveraging modern technology. Our organization aims to create a robust network of blood donors and recipients through our website and mobile application.

Jion the Cause

Join our cause and help us save move lives. Everyone should have the rights to
geta blood tansfusion

Find Donors in your Area

Ge connected in a matter of minutes at zero cost. Our App ships with a smart system that finds the closest blood donors. Our automated blood donation system works efficiently wheneversomeone needs a blood transfusion.

Answer to Emergencies

As soon as a new blood request is raised, it is routed among our local volunteer blod donors. We know time matters! So we keep you updated with real-time notifications sent directly to you via SMS(Text Message) or the installed mobile app.

Made for Everyone

All you need to do is send a request via Mobile app or website in any language you want. Our system is smart enough to understand anything you write and helps you find a donor within minutes if not seconds.

You are someone's Hero

Inas little as ew minutes, you can become someone's unnamed, unknown, but all-important Hero. Saving a life is a noble work that starts very simply and easily

How App Works

Our App is made to be as simple as posible. Download it for Free at the
Play Store

All you need to do is login to the app and send blood request slecting hospital, blood group and date.

  • Register
  • View Pending Request
  • Make blood Request
  • View Latest Notice
  • SMS/ Chat Service in Future
  • View Available Hospitals

Hospitals Can Contact Us for Free Implementations

BloodMe Application 100% Free for Any Government and Private Hospital. Feel free to send us an email (, and we will implement a specialized system for each hospital.

Why Need?
  • One click reach to Blood Donors.
  • Free Implementation.
  • Customized Solutions.
  • Real-Time Updates.
  • Secure and Reliable.